La chrysopée (du grec khrysos, « or », et poiēin, « faire »), en latin chrysopoeia, est un terme utilisé en alchimie. Il s'agit de l'art de faire de l'or par transmutation.
La magie s’est détournée des Hommes, sa source – dit-on – s’est tarie. Seule l’alchimie restait, porte ouverte sur des pouvoirs qui était jadis communs ; qui aujourd’hui sont l’apanage de quelques élus. Il a fallut réapprendre à se battre, à se protéger. Les Chasseurs de Primes sont devenus des héros pour les population du Dessous, seuls êtres déterminés et capables de mener des expéditions à la surface.

Le temps passant, une nouvelle Humanité prit racine sous-terre.

Et, à la manière d’une graine, grandit en revenant vers le soleil, pour à nouveau étendre ses branches sur un monde au visage inconnu, hostile, sauvage – mais recelant des secrets extraordinaires qui n’attendent plus que des âmes curieuses et audacieuses pour les découvrir.
21.11.20 — Le forum fermera ses portes demain dans la journée ! Une soirée cb aura lieu aujourd'hui à partir de 17h30 ♥ Merci encore pour votre participation !
08.11.20 — Nous vous invitons à aller lire le sujet qui se trouve ici : www, & à y réagir si vous le souhaitez ! ♥
22.10.20 — Un mois, ça se fête ! Les news, c'est par ici !
12.10.20 — prolongations du premier mini event !
06.10.20 — les alchimistes ont besoin de vous !
05.10.20 — premier mini event du forum, par ici : www
22.09.20 — la grande ouverture! le message ICI
17.09.20 — et maintenant il faut tout relire.
01.09.20 — on bosse sur les descriptions, on souffre.
26.06.20 — création du forum et mise en place des idées.
Le deal à ne pas rater :
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Voir le deal

Fenrys de Fiercastel par ???
Kaeya Alberich (Genshin Impact)
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys Fenrys11
Ordre du Dragon
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
Ven 23 Oct - 1:22
Fenrys de Fiercastel
Our souls are missing, but our tears still work. That's kinda weird.
nom complet
Fenrys de Fiercastel
date de naissance & âge
8 Janvier, 28 ans
lieu de résidence (district)
Gardien Supérieur
Ordre du Dragon
Kaeya Alberich — Genshin Impact
informations minimales à donner : taille, poids, cheveux, apparence générale et détails importants.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Leo vel orci porta non. Integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo. In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Venenatis cras sed felis eget. Mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor id. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien. Elementum pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus. Risus at ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla.
informations minimales à donner : une liste d'adjectifs, positifs et négatifs résumant la personnalité, ains qu'un court paragraphe le résumant.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Leo vel orci porta non. Integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo. In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Venenatis cras sed felis eget. Mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor id. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien. Elementum pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus. Risus at ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla.
facultatif mais fortement encouragé. diverses informations sur votre personnage ne correspondant pas aux autres sections ; hobbies, anecdotes, etc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Leo vel orci porta non. Integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo. In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Venenatis cras sed felis eget. Mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor id. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien. Elementum pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus. Risus at ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla.
informations minimales à donner : les points importants de la vie du personnage, que ce soit sous forme de points ou rédigé en paragraphes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Leo vel orci porta non. Integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo. In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Venenatis cras sed felis eget. Mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor id. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien. Elementum pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus. Risus at ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Leo vel orci porta non. Integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo. In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Venenatis cras sed felis eget. Mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor id. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien. Elementum pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus. Risus at ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla.
La légende raconte que j'ai vingt-trois ans, mais chaque année je dois refaire le calcul parce que mon cerveau estime que c'est une information compliquée à garder en mémoire. Alors voilà : TakeItEzy, vingt-trois ans. Amoureux transi de rp depuis douze ans, fan de la NieR Serie et je sais pas trop si je préfère les chiens ou les lapins. Je suis arrivé ici par un heureux hasard via une pub sur Facebook puis j'ai réalisé qu'on était partenaire avec un forum dont je suis fondateur. Cool la vie, non ?

Bref, j'ai inscrit "Grand Gardien" but je suis peut-être un noob qui ne sait pas lire le règlement et qui vise trop haut trop tôt.
Dites-le moi si c'est le cas.
Fenrys de Fiercastel
autres comptes???
Gareth Àrianrhod par ???
disponible, hésitez pas à me mp.
dimitri (fe3h + mostly post-timeskip)
 bon à être vide, bon à être au sommet
Chef de la guilde des chasseurs
grogner. en s'appuyant sur sa hache.
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys TAZ0gq4Q_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys Qlw0Za2m_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys PST6flq9_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys BpyJXoka_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys CpiQqdHy_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
Ven 23 Oct - 8:58
moi qui disait il y a quelques jours que je voulais sacrifier kaeya au dragon..... hihi

Bienvenue! (et pas de soucis pour le poste de gardien supérieur, tant que tu précises ta brigade à un endroit, tu peux continuer sereinement)
Gareth Àrianrhod
autres comptes???
Leif Herondale par ???
présence réduite
autres comptes
kamado tanjirou (kny)
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys Ed7a8ec7f01bde1ba97ef58482d137c7
chasseur de prime
he p r o t e c c
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys A3wvc0Ib_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys PST6flq9_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys BpyJXoka_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys CpiQqdHy_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
Ven 23 Oct - 10:48
hehe, officiellement la bienvenue !! im so cool
bonne chance pour la rédaction de ta fiche uwu et merci encore d'avoir choisi fenrys ♥
Leif Herondale
autres comptes???
Hermina V. Kirschstein par ???
rp (0/2)
ysayle (ffxiv)
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys 9ddd29739d3b7e6878e0516ddf03e784
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys BaCEslrp_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys Qlw0Za2m_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys PST6flq9_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys BzJpRWDW_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys CpiQqdHy_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
Ven 23 Oct - 18:32
hehe encore une nouvelle tête parmi nous (et grace à Leif encore une fois)

dans le doute, choisi les lapins ET les chiens. c'est plus simple.

puis surtout bienvenue. je suis très contente que les autres groupes commencent à se remplir aussi hihi
Hermina V. Kirschstein
autres comptes???
Gareth Àrianrhod par ???
disponible, hésitez pas à me mp.
dimitri (fe3h + mostly post-timeskip)
 bon à être vide, bon à être au sommet
Chef de la guilde des chasseurs
grogner. en s'appuyant sur sa hache.
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys TAZ0gq4Q_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys Qlw0Za2m_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys PST6flq9_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys BpyJXoka_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys CpiQqdHy_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o“There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys LWSX2lTx_o
Jeu 12 Nov - 6:44
Salut Fenrys,
des nouvelles pour ta fiche ? Est ce que tu t'en sors ? Est ce que tu souhaite un délai ? “There as many worlds as the people in it„ fenrys 1629033411
Gareth Àrianrhod
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